Causes of psoriasis

Psoriasis, the causes of which are unclear, until today remains a mystery to scientists all over the world. The disease may appear suddenly, regardless of the age and sex of the patient.


There has recently been primary the development of psoriasis among children and women, without any precipitating causes. In rare cases, the disease can pass it on your own, but as a rule, to achieve long-term remission requires special treatment, and the desire to recover from the patient.

Theory on the origin of psoriasis

Between the doctors and the scientists there are several theories about the development of the disease:

HEREDITARY. Genetic transmission of a disease is the most common, as doctors, in the event that every other of the three noted the presence of psoriasis in history. When joining the precipitating factors, the first symptoms of the disease appear inevitable. Usually, when you inherit is found the relationship with the sex of a child (the disease develops more often among same-sex relatives).

IMMUNE. The immune theory of disease, it is considered that its main founders. The immune components that are present in almost every inflammation of the immune nature, in some cases, eases the symptoms of the disease.

However, despite the sufficient amount of research on the immune theory of psoriasis, triggers for its occurrence (triggering mechanisms) not fully elucidated. Therefore, preventive measures for the development of the disease also includes, for the first time, boosting the immune system (especially in women, older patients and children) and protection of the skin (including the head) from infectious diseases. That is the immune theory shows the most serious complications: psoriatic arthritis (explanation of the causes of psoriasis on elbows, knees and hands), and in some cases — the defeat of the spine.

NEUROGENIC. According to the theory of psychosomatic medicine, the disease can be due to disruption in the functioning of the nervous system, as a result of severe stress. In other words, the mental state of the patient reflects on the state of the patient, which can lead to psoriatic manifestations, hands, head, legs, etc., in addition, is the factor that confirms that the development of the disease, on the basis of psychosomatic medicine, is the positive effect of the sedative, which again shows the spiritual causes of psoriasis.

EXCHANGE. The study does not preclude the development of the disease in conjunction with the violation of metabolic processes. As a rule, the majority of patients experience hypothermia, which indicates a slowing down of metabolic processes. In addition to the violation of lipid metabolism means elevated levels of cholesterol in the blood, and the weakening of the immune system is confirmed by the reduction of vitamins (A, b), as well as copper, iron and zinc observed in 2/3 of all cases.

4 in any case, that is the diabetes, which means the violation of carbohydrate metabolism, and the metabolic nature of the disease confirms the failure of the thyroid gland, pancreas and sexual glands, despite the treatment.

An ALLERGIC. Proponents of this theory argue that the psoriatic manifestations occur as a result of allergies. This is confirmed by the fact that this disease, as well as a Person who is not contagious and is very itchy rashes on the skin. So is psoriasis is a very commonly prescribed antihistamines. In addition, the similar symptomatology in allergic and psoriatic arthritis.

The HORMONAL. This hypothesis is connected with infringement of a hormonal background occurring in the body (menopause, puberty, pregnancy, etc). However, this trend did not become popular, because the majority of patients with psoriasis develop when hormonal "peace".

INFECTIOUS. This theory about the origin of the disease is one of the most common. This causes manifestations of psoriatic symptoms associated with different pathogens (spirochetes, streptococci, etc). However, neither micro-organisms or fungi in the implementation of the experiments did not proved himself as a leader. Some scientists believe that the development of the acute infectious diseases, which may influence the course of the dermatoses due to the weakening of the immune protection (reversible and irreversible). However, despite numerous studies, the infectious theory has not been confirmed.

VIRUS. The viral nature of the disease has a large number of the faithful. However, based on a survey of the viral theory is not confirmed as a main, as it never observed transmission of the disease from a diseased to a healthy person, despite the fact that there were hundreds of direct blood transfusions from patients patients.

Trigger mechanisms of the disease

In many studies the causes of psoriasis, doctors have found that there are additional precipitating conditions for the occurrence of diseases. Causes of psoriatic manifestations can be internal and external factors.

The most common causes that trigger the disease:

  • the disease can cause acute and chronic infectious processes in the body (SARS, sinusitis, tonsillitis, scarlet fever, sore throat, etc.), as well as the situation after the vaccination. As a rule, these are diseases which weaken the immune system, leading to recurrent disease;
  • in 40% of patients, for the development of exacerbations and result in psychological stress situations (different types of depression, the crisis of a personal nature). Therefore, to reduce the acute symptoms often prescribe a sedative;
  • triggers of psoriasis may long-term treatment with medications, especially antibiotics, and immunomodulators. These drugs can cause disorders in the immune system, as a response to stimuli;
  • generalizovannaya-psoriaticheskaya-eritrodermiya
  • an important role for the development or aggravation of the disease play the bad habits (Smoking, alcohol), and improper diet of the patient with the abuse of fats and fast carbs;
  • symptoms of psoriasis may be the result of exposure to chemicals for outdoor use (especially on the hands), which is often used in daily life, including means of parasites;
  • acute may be in conflict with the integrity of the skin by a mechanical effect (trauma, burns, injections, bites, etc.);
  • recurrence of psoriasis can cause inflammation of the skin, including fungal infections on the head, the development of dermatitis on the hands, etc., in addition, is the cause for psoriasis can be acute allergic reaction.
  • As a rule, the disease is exacerbated by precipitating factors (individually or in combination), therefore, you must follow certain rules in order to prevent dangerous situations.

Primary symptoms of psoriasis can occur at any age, but its development children experience more severe consequences and complications. In adults psoriasis risk of severe concomitant diseases.

Causes of psoriasis in children

On the basis of the results of studies of illness in the immediate family in a few generations, the conduct of biochemical studies in patients with family ties, including healthy, it is found that the development of psoriasis in children PLAYS an IMPORTANT ROLE HEREDITARY FACTOR predisposing to the disease.

If one parent suffers from psoriasis, the probability that the child has with psoriasis, 25%. If it is bad, of both parents, the probability for the birth of the child with psoriasis is about 75%. Interesting is the fact that most often the psoriasis, is transmitted by the maternal line. Hereditary psoriasis (family) the monitoring of the scientists, which ranges from 15 to 47% of cases of all diseases with psoriasis in children. However, despite an in-depth study of the genetic theories on the disease, its causes, the child and the adult patient is not fully elucidated.

In preschoolers and school-age children causes of psoriasis can be a strong emotional stress, fear, etc., Certain of the legality, according to which it would be possible to identify a single cause for psoriasis in adolescents and children, does not exist.

Many scientists and doctors, who are prone to multifactorial theory of the development of the disease, which combines, in addition to heredity, many other factors.

Symptoms of the disease

In psoriasis is an atypical reaction to any stimulus. For psoriasis is characterized by the appearance of itchy panels of different sizes. Normally skin cells Mature in 3 weeks, but in psoriasis is dry after 5 days, leading to severe itching, particularly on the head and hands. For the relief of acute symptoms is assigned to the appropriate treatment.

Some of the most common symptoms of psoriasis include:

  • the appearance of pink-red psoriatic panels with a dry white piece. As a rule, most often they are localized in the knees, elbows, hands and head (the hairy part);
  • when nail psoriasis is marked dystrophy of the nail plate on the hands, the violation of the shape and the color of the nail. In severe form, can develop degenerative changes;
  • itching and dandruff on the head (near the scalp);
  • cracking of the skin followed by pus psoriasis parts of the body;
  • sometimes it can be affordable by means of and deterioration of the General condition of the patient.

It is important to note that the symptoms are greater in some periods of the year. There are 3 types of psoriasis depending on the seasons (winter, summer, and uncertain). Patients with the summer type of psoriasis are found that there is a sudden deterioration, requiring a longer treatment. The winter type is characterized by the fact that the symptoms of psoriasis are weak and assigned therapy is the most effective. When an indeterminate type of psoriatic symptoms can occur at any time in the year and is characterized by frequent relapses.

Therapeutic treatment of a disease

Despite the fact that the causes of psoriasis are not fully understood, but today they are the most effective methods, which contribute to the achievement of long-term remission:

  • recommended cryotherapy (low temperatures), which helps in the most advanced cases;
  • internal symptoms were removed with plasmapheresis (filtering of blood);
  • neutralization of symptoms is carried out actively with the help of PUVA therapy and the specific iodine-bromine, radon and sulphide bath.

In addition, the positive effect observed in the treatment with salts and Dead sea mud to prevent the symptoms of psoriasis even on the head.

Prevention of psoriasis

To prevent the disease is necessary to take into account preventive measures, including:

  • The prevention of damage to the skin, hands, head, face, etc ..
  • Would not stay for a long time under direct sunlight.
  • You need to get rid of bad habits.
  • Required for weight control, especially after the acute symptoms.
  • You should avoid stressful situations.
  • Psoriasis in the head, it is advisable to use special medicated shampoos and creams.
  • In all cases, should be regularly monitored by a dermatologist.

Psoriasis is a multifactorial disease and its causes are different, so a positive result can be achieved if you want to start treatment with strict observance of all recommendations by the dermatologist. This approach can ensure the long-term remission and prevention of possible complications.